The Habitorium makes paintings of your habits, from stories and snapshots. Jo visits your home, asks you questions about your habits, and looks at your family photos. She listens to your stories for evidence of habits, then returns to her studio to make watercolor paintings from the details you share. Contact [email protected]. for details.

Book a cooking demo and get dinner to go, ZOOM a guided write-from-life workshop, or invite Jo to your living room for watercolor painting practice. Contact [email protected]. for details.
The Habitorium drafts surveys tailored to
what you want to know. We look for the source of troublesome habits, and celebrate the contours of joyful ones. Jo also offers survey analysis and, based on the findings, suggests insights for action. She is also a crack researcher, she gets to the bottom of things. Please consider the Survey Under a Blue Moon to see how one survey worked at a wedding! Contact [email protected]. for details.

The Habitorium makes paintings of your home, the way you see it. Jo will walk your property documenting the evidence of habits. She will listen to your stories and pour over any pictures you have of the place. Then compose a unique painting of your home as you describe it. Contact [email protected]. for details.
OFFICIATING SERVICES: The Habitorium believes in love and Jo is an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church. She officiates unions, apologies, forgivenesses, wishes and wagers. Contact [email protected]. for details.